There are a few ways, but to find followers, the most sure way is to join blog hops. 1) Blog hops can almost guarantee that you will get followers back, because that is the whole purpose of a blog hop. But are they going to be reading your blog for real? You can tell me in the comments below what you think.
I am sure you know, all of these 2) Social Medias, Facebook, Twitter, Google Friend Connect, YouTube started out with good intentions. It is to network and find people who are interested in your products or services for real, so that you can conduct real business. Then a few people started abusing the privileges, adding who ever and whatever to their profile so that they can inflate the numbers. Well from that point on, it is downhill for everyone. This means, if you want to impress your advertisers, friends, 100, 200, 500 isn't good enough anymore, because everyone else who is anybody, have an average of 5,000 likes, followers. Of course I exaggerated the numbers, but you know what I mean.
Okay, now that we know this is the way it is, and we can't fight what has already been blown out of proportions. Have you heard of the cliche: "if you can't beat them, join them." This is the exact example.
How To Find Blog Followers Readers. If you are not in a hurry to impress anyone, take your time and find the real followers and readers that will actually visit and read your blog.
Honestly, the best followers for me are the ones that truly appreciates me and my blog(s). Those are people who will visit often and leave quality comments. Another cliche, 3)"if you want a friend, be a friend." This is the only way to build those relationships that lasts. You will have to leave those meaty comments yourself, and hope it is returned with the same affection. Good luck.
It's true, "if you want a friend, be a friend." I'm taking my sweet time to make real friends, and don't care much about the numbers.
ReplyDeleteI heard a song the other day where one singer sung to the other "Show me your love" then the other James Brown said "Hit me!" and I thought I bet they were talking about feedback! Or was that just where my mind was as I struggle to leave my feedback here there and every where. But it feels SO GOOD to get some back? Don't you just love it?
ReplyDeleteIts so true sometimes we get so caught up in the numbers we forget about the real reason we are blogging!
ReplyDeleteYou can tell when comments are just "following you from xyz blog hop, can you return the favor?", with no mention of the post they supposedly just read!! Too funny. Of course you would think they would want quality visitors. But to get quality visitors you have to have a quality blog and content. Yours seems to be in that category for sure! I am visiting from Voiceboks. I think you would enjoy that site. We have a great community of bloggers. Would love to see you there, I think your blog would be very beneficial to the group! ~Lisa
ReplyDeleteI am all a twitter about life
I agree - If you want a friend, be a friend. Sometimes people are shy, or maybe they are new to what blog hopping is all about. Like you say, some are just into getting their numbers high.
ReplyDeleteI tend to follow those blogs that I feel will add value to my life when reading them. Or give me a good chuckle or help with certain things in my own life.
There is a plethora of blogs out there without any purpose other than to make money. You can spot them immediately!
Great points you make though. For me, a lot of women who visit my blog to find solutions to being stalked or abused, often they are too afraid to follow, for their own identity or privacy. Understandable.
Plus, not everyone uses Blogger or GFC.
On another note, I found you at the Almost Friday Blog Hop - following in every way I can now.
Flora Loveday
The Upper Hand
Yes, definitely you have get out there and try to make connections, and you have to expect that the favor will not be returned most of the time. I focus on quality posts and keeping our blog entertaining and informative. It's so great to find your through VoiceBoks. I'm a novice with all of the technical stuff, so I'm always looking for tips in that area, and you are a great resource...thanks!
Talking about getting new followers (!), I was just partaking in the ‘Relax and Surf’ blog hop that is being hosted by Rylie and Bryce Too. I noticed your blog and thought I would stop by.
ReplyDeleteI must admit, you have got some top ideas for generating followers - bloody brilliant post!
Anyway, I am now following you – it would be cool if you could come and visit me at my place too!
i came here from thursday two questions, and i am commenting here first, i'll go back to comment in the other post later :)
ReplyDeletei prefer to leave comment and blog hop only to a few, not that i am very discriminatory, but i do not want to feel the pressure of commenting to so many and I will end up leaving a "meaningless" comment. I prefer a few but worthwhile online friendship that hoepfully can extend to real when the chance to meet is realized someday. i believe in what Icy said, " be a friend if you want a friend"- and this is what I love in blogging more than Facebooking!
Hello. I'm stopping by from BBL Sunday Blog Hop.
ReplyDeleteWith that out of the way, now I can comment. There are a few blogs that I visit regularly and comment on. Some are review/giveaway blogs and some are not. There are a lot of quality blogs out there, and if it weren't for blog hops, I would not have discovered them. Sometimes I read and comment, and other times I just read. When I do comment, I really make it sincere. The "You have a cute blog" comment (which I used to get) gets old pretty fast.
"if you want a friend, be a friend" I absolutely agree with that! I have tried so many times to explain it to people and you have got it exactly. Out of all of the people that I tried to befriend at CMF and comment on their blogs, you are one of the only ones that replied to me and strangely enough, I keep coming back! I always make an effort to reply to all comments and to visit people back. It can take time if things are hard but through building up relationships, those busy times are weathered.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. And you are so right: having more visitors or followers doesn't always mean you'll get more comments. I used Entrecard, and even though my visitors went up, I don't think they really read my blog…
ReplyDeleteWhich really is a shame.
For them.
This is DEFINITELY solid advice! Great post.